Graphic Organizer and Concept Mapping Tools Art that you can input vocabulary words, informational text or feelings to create clouds of words.
gg Create concept maps for any topic. Simple and free web application for creating colorful mind maps.
Tagxedo- Word Clouds in cool shapes of famous people and pictures
dd Makes dynamic, presentations that can be linked to websites and documents. Get ready to be zooming in on great content!
Writing Maps
Writing Topics
A writing topic every week- Lists several writing topics for 5th and 6th graders. Includes a letter to the parent. Pick a topic and start writing!
General Writing Help
Spelling City- This is a great site for learning new words. When you type your words in, the computer will say them and you can test yourself. It is like having your teacher give you your test.
Comic Strips
Comic Strips- Make your own on the makebelievescomix website.
Poetry4kids- Kenn Nesbitt
Parts of Speech
Parts of Speech
Parts of Speech
Mad Libs: Funbrain- Chose words to go into your story without contect and then read your silly story.
Fifteen Minutes of Fiction- Writing Basics. This site contains some clearly presented articles about writing .
Turning Text into an Online Book
Online Book -Import large amounts of text and this site turns it into a book format so it is easier to read.
Write a Magazine
Grammar Tutorials
KidsClick- Grammar
Athabasca University ESL Lessons on Grammar Many grammar lessons!
McGraw Hill College Writing Course Interactive tests and powerpoints Start with fragmants!
Apostrophes: A video about apostrophes. From the UK with accent.
Writing Bibliographies
Citation Machine- Fill in the form and it will create your bib in APA or MLA format.
Letter Writing
Snailmailr- Write a letter to your epal. Costs .99 but really cool. Check it out!
Flash Cards
Flash Cards offers great flash card resources